We're so glad you've joined us today and hope you are encouraged by the worship & message today. We are in week 3 of our series, "SYSTEM UPDATE: 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting" and the message is titled, DOWNLOAD & INSTALL.
Check out www.northcitychurch.ca/systemupdate for all the different ways you can participate in 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Is this one of your first times with us? Let us know by simply sharing your name and email through the link below. As a way of thanking you for joining us today, we’d love to treat you to a Starbucks gift card.
Here are other ways you can connect with us throughout the week:
WEBSITE: www.northcitychurch.ca
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/northcitych.ca
INSTAGRAM: @northcitych.ca
TEXT: "CHURCH" to 905 832 0316